Imagine that the main figures of contemporary philosophy – Michel Foucault, Hannah Arendt, Gilles Deleuze… – would not be dead, but lived on as puppets. They would be part of a rather dynamic theatrum philosophicum, where they would finally answer the questions you always wanted to ask them: “What does discourse actually mean, Michel?” And where they would also comment in detail on current problems of our time: “How do you see the Corona crisis, Gilles?” “What do you think of Twitter?”
At the same time, this philosophical theater would bring Michel, Hannah, and Gilles into conversation with each other and let them meet other thinkers: “Walter Benjamin!? How nice to see you…” “Marx? Karl Marx? Is that really you?” What thus emerges are not just dialogues of the dead, but vital encounters between high and low, between seriousness and entertainment, between Platonic dialogue and Muppet Show. Instead of simply burying all theory, it is thus filled with new life.
Theoretical Puppets is a philosophical theater on the internet. Since 2018, an ever-growing audience follows the critical dialogues between Michel, Hannah, Gilles, Karl, Walter, and many others.